- July 29, 2023
An Interview with Author Alok Panday | “Guidelines for Net Zero Carbon Villages of India”

About the Author:
Alok Panday has gained a prolific, meticulous and multi-dimensional acumen in the fields of commerce and finance. By profession, he is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). He has got to work with the renowned business associates. Indian Oil, Samsung India, Ola, Berger Paints, Patanjali, etc,. are a few to name. The inquisitorial and determining instinct of Mr. Alok renders a distinctive edge to his personality. It has always kept his learning appetite activated and growing. He has accomplished numerous achievements and marked a phenomenal progress in his professional career after pursuing advance study programmes in Cyber Security, Block Chain Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Financial Technology, Carbon Credit and Finance, International Financial Reporting Standards, Financial Leadership and many more. Alok Panday is Galileo Master (an UNDP Program) in Carbon Finance, Renewable & Hydrogen Energy from Renewable Energy Institute, United Kingdom. Alok Panday is alumni of CFTE, London. He has done Executive Programme in Management from IIM Rohtak and also specialized program of The World Bank. In course of his professional journey, Mr. Alok has emerged as a good orator, writer and analyst. With over 15 years of experiences, he has performed functions of a finance manager, finance analyst, compliance expert.
Exclusive interview with the author
Q: What Inspired You To Write This Book?
A: A large number of Countries, cities and organizations are concerned about becoming carbon neutral. Today, the whole world is talking about carbon offsetting. Our honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi announced that India will achieve net zero emissions by 2070. So it is our duty to work and fight for this commitment as a contribution towards our country. So this thought inspired me to write this book.
Q: Can You Tell Us About The Book?
A: The book is focused on the current situation of the Indian Village, developing an approach that aims to build upon normative research on climate resilient, energy and resource efficient planning principles to develop tools for building of net-zero carbon village in India.
Q: What Does The Title Mean?
A: The title is based on objective of making Indian village Net Zero Carbon Village.
Q: What Did You Learn When Writing The Book?
A: I did ample research and studied various reports on current Global climate scenario. India is not different and is heavily affected by the present changes happening in environment. These climatic and environmental challenges are at dangerous level for our mother earth. We need to work immediately for necessary correction which are required for humanity.
Q: Where Do You Get Your Information Or Ideas For Your Books?
A: Various studies and reports. I did various programs and courses on this topic.Various studies and reports. I did various programs and courses on this topic.
Q: What Is The Most Difficult Part About Writing For You?
A: Being a working professional, time management was a real challenge for me in writing this book.
Q: Where Do You Get Your Greatest Ideas For Writing?
A: From present climatic change and environment disturbance.
Q: What, In Your Opinion, Are The Most Important Elements Of Good Writing?
A: Knowledge and understanding of the sense of reader.
Q: What Does Success Mean To You? What Is The Definition Of Success?
A: Success means your those positive works which people will remember in your absence.
This book is published by OrangeBooks Publication. All rights are reserved with the author & the publisher.