• June 13, 2023

An Interview with Author Balaji V S | “3+Years of COVID – A Comic Recall”

An Interview with Author Balaji V S  | “3+Years of COVID – A Comic Recall”

About the Author:

The author is an ex-IITian (Higher Technological Institution, IIT Madras in India) and currently part of KAG TILES, a business conglomerate (https://kagindia.com). The author has excelled in various forms of art, including singing, public speaking, training, music compositions, creative writing, poem writing, stories and novels (all genres), short films, podcasts, audio books, and video creations.

Exclusive interview with the author

Q: What Inspired You To Write This Book?

A: Not so long ago, a couple of months back – may be in one of the dark nights of February. 2023, I was having a sound sleep – I mean a sleep with a lot of snoring. There were some dreamy disturbances in the middle and with a fine cut, I had some visuals of Masks, Quarantines, Ambulances, Sirens with the Dream Film’s title COVID 19 Flashing in Real 3D / I max. Was it nostalgic or nosta allergic ?? – a new medical terminology ? I can’t bear that pain where every one of us across the World lost everything, something or the other. COVID was like Pathan Shah Rukh – Khan – unbeatable ! Even after 3 + years, we are still experiencing the aftermath and cascading effects of COVID, viz., Inflation, Deflation, Slowdowns, Bankruptcies, pink slips and other unknown macro economic jargons to list. Alas ! I walked out of the Theatre, I mean stopped my sleep, woke up and started wandering. When I was roaming here and there suddenly there was a flash. Why not we write a comic take (tale) on this serious grave Pandemic that shook the entire world, took it to task as Laughter is the best medicine / vaccine in grave situations. The result is now this Book either in your Hands, Palm or Lap ..

Q: Can You Tell Us About The Book?

A: This book is not like the others. This is not a book about the gloom and doom of the pandemic, but rather pure, unadulterated humor in the form of comedic conversations / stories / spoofs / scripts / roasts / poems / raps, etc., masterfully interwoven across topics. The humor spans across various topics, making for an entertaining and enjoyable read.

Q: What Does The Title Mean?

A: The title of my comedic Book, “3+ Years of COVID – A Comic Recall,” encapsulates the essence of the content within. It signifies a lighthearted reflection on the challenging period years during the COVID pandemic, where humor takes center stage. Instead of focusing on the gloom and doom typically associated with the pandemic, this book presents a comical recollection of the experiences in the form of comedic conversations, stories, spoofs, scripts, roasts, poems, raps, and more that have unfolded during this time. The title invites readers to embark on a laughter-filled journey through the ups and downs of the pandemic, offering a unique and entertaining perspective on a widely shared global experience.

Q: Do You Try More To Be Original Or To Deliver To Readers What They Want?

A: The concept is that nothing can be 100% original in this world; we draw inspiration from various sources, including sacred texts like the Bagavad Gita, the Bible, the Quran, and countless literary works. These timeless masterpieces have explored the depths of human knowledge, leaving little unexplored. However, what truly matters is how we present and interpret these ideas. In this regard, I feel justified in my approach.

Q: How Did Publishing Your First Book Change Your Process Of Writing?

A: Publishing my book, amidst a repertoire of written works, profoundly impacted my writing process. It propelled me towards a more professional approach, marked by discipline, structure, and a heightened sense of responsibility. Witnessing my words in print, accessible to a wide audience, underscored the significance of meticulous editing, as I honed each comedic element with precision and finesse. Balancing organization with artistic freedom, I discovered the delicate art of preserving spontaneity while adhering to a focused framework.

Q: What Is The Most Difficult Part About Writing For You?

A: The most challenging aspect of writing for me is striking the perfect balance between creativity and relatability. As a comedic author, my aim is to craft humorous content that resonates with a diverse audience spanning different age groups, cultures, and backgrounds. Ensuring that the humor translates effectively and remains universally amusing while avoiding potential pitfalls of offense or exclusion can be a delicate task. It requires a keen understanding of cultural nuances, a meticulous approach to crafting jokes, and constant refinement to ensure that the comedic elements are accessible and enjoyable to readers across the world. Ultimately, my goal is to create a comedic experience that brings laughter and joy to readers while remaining sensitive to their diverse perspectives and experiences.

Q: What Does Success Mean To You? What Is The Definition Of Success?

A: Success, to me, is the pursuit of personal fulfillment and the realization of one’s true potential. It goes beyond external measures of achievement and encompasses a deep sense of purpose, happiness, and growth. Success is not solely defined by material possessions or societal recognition, but rather by the positive impact we make on ourselves and others. It is about embracing challenges, learning from failures, and continuously striving for improvement. Success is finding joy in the journey, being passionate about what we do, and maintaining a resilient spirit even in the face of obstacles. It is about living authentically, making a difference in the lives of others, and leaving a meaningful legacy. Ultimately, success is the unwavering belief in our abilities, the constant pursuit of our dreams, and the profound satisfaction of knowing that we have lived a life true to ourselves.

Q: How Important Is Research To You When Writing A Book?

A: Research is an integral and indispensable part of my writing process. It serves as the foundation upon which my ideas, narratives, and characters are built. Thorough research enables me to create a rich and authentic world within my book, ensuring that the details are accurate and credible. It allows me to delve deep into various subjects, explore different perspectives, and gain a comprehensive understanding of the topics I’m addressing. Research not only enhances the quality and depth of my writing but also adds credibility and resonance to the humor and comedic elements I incorporate. It helps me uncover fascinating anecdotes, unique insights, and unexpected connections, enabling me to craft a compelling narrative that resonates with readers across different cultures and backgrounds. 

Q: Do You Believe A Book Cover Plays An Important Role In The Selling Process?

A: Absolutely, a book cover is an essential component of the selling process. It serves as the initial point of contact with potential readers, enticing them to pick up the book and explore its contents further. A well-designed and visually appealing cover can instantly grab attention, create intrigue, and convey the essence of the book’s genre, tone, and overall concept. It is a powerful marketing tool that helps to establish the book’s identity and differentiate it from the sea of other titles. A professionally crafted cover enhances the perceived value of the book and instills confidence in potential buyers, signaling that the content inside is worth their time and investment. In today’s competitive market, where readers are often browsing online platforms or bookstore shelves, a captivating book cover can make all the difference in capturing their interest and driving sales.

Q: Where Do You Get Your Greatest Ideas For Writing?

A: As a writer, my greatest ideas come from a multitude of sources and experiences. I find inspiration in everyday life, observing the world around me, engaging in conversations with diverse individuals, and delving into various forms of media, such as books, films, and social media. Additionally, research plays a crucial role in sparking ideas, as I explore different topics, histories, and cultures to deepen my understanding and fuel my creativity. My greatest ideas for writing emerge from a combination of curiosity, observation, research, introspection, and the magic of the creative process.

Q: What Advice Would You Give To Aspiring Authors?

A:I must humbly acknowledge that I may not possess all the wisdom to offer expert advice. There are countless individuals out there who may be more naturally gifted or experienced than I am, yet circumstances may prevent them from getting the same opportunities. However, if I were to share some thoughts, I believe in the power of the three Ps – Patience, Passion, and Perseverance. Firstly, patience is vital in the creative journey. Writing takes time, and success doesn’t always come quickly. It’s important to remain patient, knowing that progress and growth occur gradually. Secondly, passion is the driving force behind our creativity. When we have a deep love for storytelling, it fuels our dedication, commitment, and willingness to improve. Embracing and nurturing our passion can help us overcome challenges and stay motivated. Lastly, perseverance is crucial. Writing can be a challenging path, filled with rejections and obstacles. However, with unwavering perseverance, we can push through setbacks, learn from failures, and continue honing our craft. So, in a spirit of humility, I encourage aspiring authors to cultivate patience, nurture their passion, and embrace perseverance. These qualities serve as a solid foundation for any creative pursuit and increase the likelihood of achieving success. Let us continue on this writing journey with humility, always seeking growth and supporting one another along the way.

This book is published by OrangeBooks Publication.  All rights are reserved with the author & the publisher.


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