covid 19


‘Photo’ movie review: A hard-hitting document of our dark times

Veeresh Gonwar in ‘Photo’. | Photo Credit: Masari Talkies/YouTube It’s evident that people have already
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‘…ऐसी जिंदगी अच्छी नहीं है’ कोविड से परेशान महिला ने

Covid 19 Patient Applies For Euthanasia: कोविड-19 महामारी के दौरान लाखों लोगों ने अपनी जान
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सरकार का एयर ट्रैवल एग्रीगेटर्स को आदेश, लॉकडाउन वाले अवधि

<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Air Ticket Booking Update:</strong> बीते तीन साल से ज्यादा समय से ऑनलाइन एयर
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‘कोरोना से 20 गुना ज्यादा खतरनाक है निपाह वायरस’, मृत्यु

Nipah Virus VS Covid-19: दुनिया ने कोरोना वायरस का आतंक देखा हुआ है. इसके बाद
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Joe Biden officials pressured social media giants, court finds –

WASHINGTON: A number of top Biden administration officials will remain restricted in how they communicate
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चीन आने वालों को अब नहीं दिखानी होगी कोविड टेस्ट

China Covid-19: चीन ने कोरोना महामारी के बीच सोमवार को एक बड़ा फैसला लिया है.
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‘Terrible’: UK minister sorry for lockdown-breaking party video – Times

LONDON: Senior British minister Michael Gove on Sunday described a video showing a party at
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Sri Lanka: Sri Lanka’s airline posts $525 million annual loss

COLOMBO: Cash-strapped Sri Lanka‘s national airline announced a staggering $525 million annual loss on Friday.With
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Active Covid cases in India dip to 18,009 – Times

NEW DELHI: India has recorded 1,580 fresh Covid infections, while the active cases have come
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Covid-19 no longer a global health emergency: WHO | India

Covid-19, which claimed millions of lives around the world over the past three years, is
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