- October 4, 2024
A Valavan A Prabu Talks About His Book “A Traveler’s Guide to Kanchipuram”

About the Author:
After dedicating more than fifteen years to organizing various cultural and academic events centered around Kanchipuram’s rich history and culture, the author(s) have gained a profound understanding of the town and its fascinating stories. Recognizing the lack of a concise book to guide visitors eager to explore Kanchipuram, the author(s) have channeled their extensive knowledge into creating this compact travel guide. |
Exclusive interview with the author
Q: What Inspired You To Write This Book?
A:It is a culmination of more than 15 years of conducting research, work-shops, events and other activities in Kanchipuram.
Q: What Did You Learn When Writing The Book?
A: The learning is on-going….there is so much more about Kanchipuram to cover and the one realization is that Kanchipuram has so much to offer that we have to continue our learning journey.
Q: Can You Tell Us About The Book?
A: As we gathered sufficient details about the various temples and sites, we realized that there isn’t a concise guide to help visitors to Kanchipuram.
Q: What Does The Title Mean?
A:Literally what it reads…it is meant as a guide to important places in Kanchipuram…not as a research material but as a guide that is concise and appeals to a wider audience.
Q: How Long Does It Take You To Write A Book?
A:While the writing itself was only a few months long given the several iterations we went through…the information we collected about each site happened over several years.
Q: Where Do You Get Your Information Or Ideas For Your Books?
A: Kanchipuram unlike several other historical cities is still a LIVING town…it is live and kicking…all the information that is to be found is out there…temples, its people and its festivals…which is why we ask people around the world to visit Kanchipuram…this is the goal of this book.
Q: When Did You Write Your First Book And How Old Were You?
A: The initial format was a simple downloadable PDF that we put together in our website long time back…but we took efforts to refine the details and bring out a book only in late 2023.
Q:Do You Have Any Suggestions To Help Others To Become A Better Writer? If So, What Are They?
A:Just be yourself and let your thoughts flow…but I doubt if one can be a writer unless they are passionate about it.
Q:How Did Publishing Your First Book Change Your Process Of Writing?
A:It was an eye opener…Orange Publications made it easy for us though.
Q: What, In Your Opinion, Are The Most Important Elements Of Good Writing?
A: Write about a topic that you are passionate about and keep it simple. Achieving simplicity is the most complex part.
Q: What Is The Most Difficult Part About Writing For You?
A: Keeping it simple is the most difficult part…and at every stage there is always something that we thought can be added.
Q: What Does Success Mean To You? What Is The Definition Of Success?
A:If someone reads the book and has found it useful…even if a single reader found it useful…we consider ourselves successful.
Q: Where Do You Get Your Greatest Ideas For Writing?
A: Most unexpected of the time….this idea came-up from a casual discussion with a stranger visiting Kanchipuram with very limited idea about the places to go.
Q: What Advice Would You Give To Aspiring Authors?
A: To early to comment…but can tell one thing…just jump straight in…do not wait for too long.
This book is published by OrangeBooks Publication. All rights are reserved with the author & the publisher.